Sunday, February 17, 2013

Necessity...the mother of invention!

As I looked at all the work I needed to complete this week for the two Wilke's courses I am taking, this assignment scared me the most!  So, as any good student would do, I saved it for last!  I planned a nice quiet day at home so that I would have plenty of time to figure out just how to make a movie on my cell phone.  Now I take short videos of my kids doing crazy things all the time, but I don't ever do anything more with them!  So I cleaned up the house a bit, folded some laundry, played with our youngest daughter, and then, just as I was sitting down to start, some dear friends called.  They were on their way to the outdoor show at the Philadelphia Expo Center and they really wanted us to join them.  I first told my husband that he should just go with the kids and that I would stay home and figure this project out.  But as those little eyes look at you and beg you to join them and your "redneck" husband gets that hunting, fishing, manly look in his eyes, you just have to go. 

So, I figured that if the point of these courses was to learn how to use all the technology available to us and the fact that this specific assignment was all based on using your cell phone, this was the perfect time to test it out.  So as soon as our youngest fell asleep in the car and the our other children got comfy with their electronic devices, I made my video!  What fun!  The best worked!  The even better part, I got to spend the day with my family.  I hope you enjoy!

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